Photo of Danbury's room

Fairmount Drive SE, Southwest Calgary, AB

Shared unfurnished room in a trailer

$300 inc.

Heated Overesized Garagae for Rent / Mechanical Storage $300 Mothnly but open to mechanical work for $500/ month. Deposit is the same as 1st months rent.

About 14.0km from Seton Southeast Calgary, Calgary, AB

Photo of Luke's room

East, AB

Unfurnished room in a trailer

$1,000 inc.

The current pictures are from when I purchased the home. Will update when possible. Quiet, well kept, clean home. Renovations upcoming as time and finances permit. Non-smoking. Shared kitchen / living room. Private but could be shared bathroom. Semi- private yard and deck.

About 15.7km from Seton Southeast Calgary, Calgary, AB

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