Furnished room in a condo
Lot of amenities like gym, game room, theater room, study room and kids room
About 21.4km from Sandy Hill, Ottawa, ON
Furnished room in a condo
Lot of amenities like gym, game room, theater room, study room and kids room
About 21.4km from Sandy Hill, Ottawa, ON
Unfurnished room in a house
Tell me about yourself before asking availability. House is like in good condition, refrigerator, oven, microwave, stove, TV and a lot of furniture available in common areas
About 21.7km from Sandy Hill, Ottawa, ON
Furnished room in a house
Private bedroom in single house, can be furnished or unfurnished, parking spot on driveway available, pet friendly (no more room for roaming pets sorry), large balcony and gazebo in backyard, one shared powder room, and 2 full bathrooms between you and roomie Property is a single home with driveway...
About 23.8km from Sandy Hill, Ottawa, ON
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