Free to message
$2,500 per month
🖥 Internet included
Background checks will be required for this room
About the property
My roommates and I are currently looking to sublease/rent our apartment this summer from beginning of May through to the end of July. Preferably, we would like to have a student renter, as this gives us a more secure scope to ensure timing and other technicalities go according to plan. However, we are open to all. Here are some details:
- Located on Rue Hutchison and Ave des Pin Ouest
- 10 minute walk from McGill downtown Campus
- 2 out 3 fully furnished bedrooms
- Fridge and Freezer, microwave, other kitchen appliances
- TV, Wifi, (Hot) Water all included
- Electricity must be paid separately
- rent depends on the number of renters
If you have any more any more questions or want more details from us, please contact us
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