About the room
Hello! We are looking for another young adult to join our household of 3 to make rent more affordable for everyone involved. The room comes with an office/and or storage space as well (2 for 1!) for a total of $800/month + utilities. Non-furnished. The upstairs bathroom would be shared with only 1 other person. The house has a double car garage and a decent backyard. Lots of parking available. We also have AC in the summer. I have a dog so another one may be considered. A one-time pet fee does apply. Please message me for more info :)
About the roomies
A little about ourselves… We are a mixed gender household of people in their 20s. All 3 of us work in the trades; 2 of which are gone for work weeks at a time so it’s fairly quiet. We are avid outdoorsy people and love to spend our free time hiking, camping, and adventuring.