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Caroline Street North

Hamilton, ON L8R 2S1

Private room with shared bathroom
4 bedrooms
1 bathroom
4 roomies
$1,000 per month
Not included
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Anyone welcome
Available on
April 1

About the room

Shared accommodation (ideal for Mohawk and Mac students) but not exclusively. One huge room (30 x 11.5 at 1000/month) in a recently refinished home. Utilities split amongst roomies. Shared living/dining room/kitchen/bathroom/backyard. Unfinished basement for storage, laundry machines provided. Non smoking home, ideally no pets unless all roomies agree. Clean/tidy/pick up after yourself need only apply. Although everyone is entitled to have some fun, this is not a party house. Those who respect each others quiet time need only apply. Limited parking available via city on street permit.

About the roomies

About the roomies: Currently there is only one fellow while we search for the right matches. He’s a young guy, working man, friendly/affable and easy going. As of April 01st another fellow (same age/mid 20s) will be moving in. Same qualities as the first guy I mentioned.

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Rooms ON Hamilton L8R 2S1 Caroline Street North

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