About the room
One room in an apartment
Available immediately for short and long terms
Looking for a mature, responsive, respectful, and considerate roommate
Located in Alberni St. one of the best places in Downtown, Vancouver
4-minute walk to Sky Train Station Burrard
2-minute walk to the Bus station
Next to the grocery market
Air conditioner in unit
Window wall with great daylight
Shared bathroom with separate door inside the room
High security
Available Parking to rent separately
No Smoking/Vaping/Cannabis (any kind) No Pet/Party/Company
$1350 monthly
+Damage deposit (one time payment)
+FOB fees (one-time payment for 1 FOB key)
A proof of income and reference(s) (previous landlord) are required, and more documents if needed
About the roomies
I am clean, quiet, and considerate focusing on healthy living. I appreciate a peaceful and respectful roomie.