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$1,000 per month
About the room
Room for rent in a two-level split apartment near the University of Calgary, SAIT, and MRU. It’s also super close to Market Mall, Foothills Hospital, and the Children’s Hospital.
The place is fully furnished except for the room you’ll be renting. Bedrooms are downstairs, and upstairs has the kitchen, laundry, and living room.
About the roomies
Hi! I’m Emily, the owner of the apartment. A little about me: I’m in my final year at UofC, studying to become a teacher. Between school, coaching female hockey, and work, I’m rarely home.
As a roommate, I’m easygoing, sociable, and like to keep the shared spaces clean and organized. There’s a friendly cat who stays here part-time! Looking forward to finding someone who’s a good fit for the space!
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