About the room
This property is located within 2 minutes drive to the highway 401, 3 minutes walk to bus stop walking distance to grocery, restaurants and attractions. This property is just 15 minutes away from Durham College and Ontario Tech, Parking is available. The property is smoke free, pet free, very clean and quiet, it is also located in a great neighbourhood with lots of parks nearby. This room available immediately for rent with share bathroom with another female, share laundry and kitchen, laundry are once a week which is on the weekend. Each room carries its own closet and large window for natural light, these rooms are upstairs and not in a basement, these rooms are very spacious and clean. We are looking for a clean and quiet person to share with.
About the roomies
I am a clean quiet and friendly person, but do know when to keep to myself, I am a nursing student so I need a quiet place to study, I love a clean environment so I am looking for a clean and quiet person to share my space with if you are serious you can contact me for a viewing