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$1,200 per month
Not included
🚙 Parking available
🏳️🌈 LGBT+ friendly
🌲 Cannabis friendly
Children friendly
Students welcome
40+ years welcome
Background checks will be required for this room
About the room
I am looking for a female roommate for a 3 bedroom 1.5 Bathroom in Stoney Creek. Non smoker, no pets. There is parking, a backyard, and your own “TV room” Sharing a kitchen and bathroom. I am neat and tidy and expect the same of my roommate.
About the roomies
Female, non-smoker, no pets clean, neat, tidy, and respectful….other than that we can play it by ear.
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(647) ∗∗∗-∗∗∗∗
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Rooms ON Stoney Creek L8E 0G7 Edenrock Drive
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