Free to message
2 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
1 roomie
$1,400 per month
Not included
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Available on
August 31
Stay length
Minimum 12 months

About the room

Own bedroom and own bathroom in renovated basement suite. Cozy living area, great kitchen amenities. Apartment located in quiet suburban area. 35-40 minute commute to SFU! (Listing also open to AFABs)

About the roomies

Hello hello! I’m originally from Ottawa and I speak English, French and German. I currently study at SFU and am a very involved member of the B-C Francophone community. Most people would describe me as a bubbly and outgoing person who likes (actually, loves) keeping their space clean. I love discussing music, fashion and horror movies. I also love going on hikes and café crawls! I’m a perfect roommate if you like to get surprised by freshly baked desserts in the oven :)

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