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Parker Street

White Rock, BC V4B 4R4

Private room with shared bathroom
2 bedrooms
1 bathroom
1 roomie
$900 per month
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Females or males (no couples)
Available on

About the room

Seniors 55+ 4 plex condo building with ocean views. The room comes with a single bed, love seat and large TV, and window that looks over the side yard. Street parking, quiet area, 2/3 blocks from beach. I’m the only renter in the building, ground floor. Potential Roomie must me and pass every owners approval.

About the roomies

One senior female, sensitive to noise, no smoking in the building or on the property, no drugs or someone dependent on alcohol. Pet must also pass approval from all the owners. No current pet in the suite.

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