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Free to message
$1,300 per month
About the room
This is a shared room in a 3 bedroom house. This room has 2 big closets and sharing the washroom with only 1 other person. However this is available from Dec 1, 2024- Jan 31st, 2025.
About the roomies
You will be sharing the house with 2 other guys - both have private rooms. All the occupants in the house are working professionals and between the ages of 25-30.
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(604) βββ-ββββ
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Victoria - Fraserview, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, BC,
Victoria - Fraserview, Vancouver, Metro Vancouver, BC,
Victoria - Fraserview Victoria-Fraserview, Vancouver, Metro Vancouver Regional District, BC,
Victoria - Fraserview Victoria-Fraserview, Vancouver, BC &
Victoria - Fraserview, Vancouver, BC.
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Columbia College.