About the room
This place is located about five blocks from the beach super nice area Safeway 12 blocks away grocery stores everywhere coffee stores everywhere cannabis store down the street. This is one unit in a multi unit place backyard spacious numerous garbage cans on site four dollars a load two dollars for lunch for washer two dollars for dryer. You will have the room for yourself as I will be living in the living room living room is spacious. No worries I keep to myself bedroom will be yours. We will share kitchen and bathroom.
About the roomies
So I’m 24 years old I work at THE BMW STORE in Burrard and I am on the process of getting back into the gym. I plan to get back in this week. I’ve been doing that for about eight years now I quite enjoy it my off time I spend playing video games, cooking food, smoking weed and driving fast cars so I live a balanced lifestyle with the occasional ping-pong involved