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Chris's room

Dartmouth, NS B2V 2K4

Private room with shared bathroom
3 bedrooms
3 bathrooms
2 roomies
$700 per month
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Anyone welcome
Available on
πŸš™ Parking available
πŸ–₯ Internet included
πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ LGBT+ friendly
🌲 Cannabis friendly
Students welcome
40+ years welcome

About the room

Furnished room with double bed, dresser, desk and chair, and night table. It is located on the second floor of a two storey house. It has two windows and faces the sun. Shared bathroom with one other roommate and the owner occupies master bedroom. Shared kitchen, entertainment room, dining room, laundry, and parking is available. House is close to shopping and trails. No smoking inside.

About the roomies

Owner is a high school teacher and other rooms are rented out on a short-term basis to international students or travellers.

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