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Lauren's room

Vancouver, BC V5R 3H2

Private room with shared bathroom
$1,300 per month
Not included
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Available on

About the room

ISO: Couple to rent the available bedroom in upper floor of house near Victoria and 41st. Hello! My cat and I are looking for a couple to rent the 2nd bedroom in our house rental near Victoria and 41st.

Features The bedroom is potentially furnished (departing roommates might be leaving furniture that I will sell if you don’t want it/have your own.) The rest of the house is furnished (if you have items to bring, we can discuss!) Rent is ~$650 PER PERSON (Internet and utilities not included). Couples can expect to pay ~$1300 + utl. Laundry available in basement Street parking available Spacious back deck 1 tenant lives below us (completely separate)

About the roomies

Working professional female in my 30s Hobbies are D&D, musical theatre, board games/video games Clean/quiet/responsible Non-smoking (all kinds) Working on an acting career so sometimes I need quiet for self-tapes My cat is an indoor/outdoor cat - he’s very popular in the neighbourhood πŸ™‚

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