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Panatella NW Villas

Northwest Calgary, AB T3K 0G6

Private room with shared bathroom
3 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
1 roomie
$700 per month
Not included
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Available on
April 1
Stay length
6 - 18 months
Kara will require background checks for this room
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About the room

I have a room for rent in the sought after Panorama Hills. The home is 5-10 minutes from a large bus terminal, schools, libraries, pools, gyms, and restaurants.

About the roomies

I am a professional woman who lives with an AMAZING 6-year-old girl. My daughter spends 50% of the time with her father. I work Monday to Friday, from 8am - 4pm and occasionally (2- 6 times per month) I will pick up evening shifts from 5- 9pm. I enjoy getting outside, doing crafts with my daughter and live a family type lifestyle. I am outgoing and energetic, and value getting a good night’s rest. Bills are $200/month, flat rate.

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Rooms AB Northwest Calgary T3K 0G6 Panatella NW Villas