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$850 per month
Not included
Amanda will require background checks for this room
About the room
Upper unit of a house (the basement is rented out as a separate unit) The top floor bedroom is the one available Rent is roughly $850 plus utilities, which have averaged out to $62 per person a month Backyard & driveway or street parking LGBT+ friendly We have two friendly and cuddly dogs!
Renting for the month of September onwards.
About the roomies
We are looking for a third roommate. We’re in a house just on the mountain, near Concession and close to bus stops and Mohawk College. There’s lots of space (two living spaces!), and we are both quiet and clean.
We’re both female students who are working and in our mid-20s, and would love to have someone who’s in a similar situation.
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(705) ∗∗∗-∗∗∗∗
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