Free to message
$750 per month
About the room
Room fully furnished 20 min walk to Niagara College Welland Shared bathroom (4 bathrooms in home) Unlimited WIFI Quiet atmosphere Room freshly painted and carpet shampooed Health and safety top priority Amenties provided include toilet paper, cleaning supplie, sheets, pillows and blankets. Tenant responsible for consumables (Food and toilettries)
About the roomies
Live with female owner of home and 2 female tenants (quiet) And house cat. (declawed and very affectionate)
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(289) βββ-ββββ
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Find other rooms nearby:
Niagara College, Welland - Pelham, ON,
Niagara College Stop 19, Welland, ON,
Niagara College, Welland - Pelham, Regional Municipality of Niagara, ON,
Niagara College Stop 19, Welland, Regional Municipality of Niagara, ON &
Niagara College, Welland, ON.
Colleges nearby:
Brock University.