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Tiffany Huggins's room

Hamilton, ON L8K 3C4

Private room with shared bathroom
$600 per month
Not included
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Anyone welcome
Available on
πŸš™ Parking available
πŸ–₯ Internet included
Students welcome
Tiffany Huggins will require background checks for this room
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About the room

We have a three bedroom detached home in the Rosedale region with each room for rent. One room has been rented and looking for two more students to share the house, so three people in total. Large bed room is $700, medium is $600 and small room is $500. Utilities will be shared and the living room, dinning room backyard and kitchen shall be shared. Upstairs two bedrooms will share the 3 piece washroom and downstairs has its own 2 piece bath. Three car driveway.

About the roomies

So far a female age 21 going to Mohawk college. Looking for two more room mates.

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