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Kaitlyn's room

Langley, BC V1M 3R7

Shared room with shared bathroom
$495 per month
Not included
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Available on
πŸš™ Parking available
Students welcome

About the room

The place is located on a Cow ranch, just 5 minutes away from Trinity Western University.

It includes a shared Kitchen and comfortable lounge area, with a shared bedroom and bathroom and a parking spot for your vehicle. Utilities like water and electricity included in the rent.

I have a car and can facilitate rides to and from the university, as well as trips to Costco, Walmart and so on. We are going to have so much fun together :D

Please let me know if you are interested!

About the roomies

I am looking for an undergraduate Female roommate to share my room for 495 CAD a month.

I am an undergraduate female International student, (3rd year) who lives 5 minutes away from Trinity Western University. Please let me know if you are interested!

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