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$1,050 per month
About the room
Renting 1 of my bedrooms in a 2 bdrm apt in a Triplex located in Whitby near Brock St and Dundas near bus stops, highways, stores, and parks. Looking for preferably a Female roommate. Laundry downstairs - Internet included. Unless if you need faster internet up to you to upgrade. I do Food Banks to help us with the cost of food since everything is so expensive. Non Smoking No 420 I just like my peace of mind really
About the roomies
I am a black female - non-smoker. Own a quiet older shitzu who sleeps a lot. Does hair for people with hair loss - weaves, wigs, etc. I like to read, movies, and over 40 yrs old. Just want someone who is looking for a decent person and they are a decent person. No drama I like peace in the home enough to deal with out there
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