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Free to message
$750 per month
Not included
About the room
Located in a quiet and beautiful part of Sandy Hill, our place is a 10-minute walk from uOttawa campus, the Rideau Centre, and a block away from a bus stop that makes commuting really simple. The available room is a private, unfurnished, upper-level space that has lots of room to make it your own!
About the roomies
We are three female uOttawa students going into our third year. We love to yap and take advantage of our our shared spaces but also appreciate the need for some peace and quiet… especially during exam season! If you’re friendly and looking for an easy time in your new place, this might be the fit for you :)
Emily's verifications
Phone number
(613) ∗∗∗-∗∗∗∗
Contact Emily
Rooms ON Côte-de-Sable K1N 6B9 Besserer Street
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