About the room
The place is a furnished 3 bed 2 bath house located across from the U3 buildings on Academy Hill, with the basement rented out to another group. The rent is $1150 per month including all utilities (water, electricity, internet, etc.), starting from September 1st.
This place is very close to the UBCO campus (on Academy Way, roughly 20 minute walk) which makes it ideal for UBCO students/faculty who need a nearby place to stay at!
About the roomies
We’re looking for one male tenant (preferably a student) to share with two other male UBCO students for the upcoming school year (with a possibility of renewing the lease after the first year). We’re looking for clean, non-smoking, quiet people that are just looking for a place to stay (and possibly looking to make new friends). While I was originally the 3rd roommate, I received an offer and will be transferring to UBC Vancouver, thus we’re on the lookout for a tenant to take my place in the lease.
If interested, please dm me with a short introduction of yourself and for more details!