Free to message
1 bedroom
1 bathroom
1 roomie
$850 per month
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Available on
Stay length
6 - 12 months
πŸš™ Parking available
πŸ–₯ Internet included
πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ LGBT+ friendly
🌲 Cannabis friendly
🐱 Cat friendly
Students welcome
40+ years welcome

About the room

Upstairs 9’8 x 9’6 room with a 4 piece bathroom right beside that is only for you. Beautifully quiet with your window facing the back patio & Calgary greenspace so no close intrusive neighbors. The room is furnished with a raised bed (for storage underneath), desk, mini fridge & microwave so you can be independent. Close to bus and C-Train (Crowfoot Station). Parking on side street is available.

About the roomies

I am a School Counsellor who works a lot & values my recharge time when I am home. I recharge by watching tv, doing pilates, crocheting and cooking. I love going out to events & volunteering, but my home is my refuge and should be for you too. Ideally you are a Masters or PhD student or are an introvert at home.

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