About the room
1 bedroom furnished. Access to FREE food* (fruits, vegetables, and grains weekly*)
The washroom and kitchen are shared, and the unit features a nice-sized balcony. There is a small dining area. Quiet building with only a few units.
Included: washer/dryer, stove, oven, dishwasher, microwave, fridge, freezer, hydro, heating and WiFi
⚠️ Maximum stay till September 2025
📍No guests (a closer family member or a good friend can be accommodated)
✅ Our lifestyles and schedules need to be compatible. Please share your day-to-day routine.
❗️Background check is required if we proceed.
🙏🏼 Roommate and I will have a peaceful living environment where we both add value to each other.
Thank you
About the roomies
Full time professional and often work till 11:30PM. Remote/work from home.
Non smoker and non drinker.
Friendly and inviting, but likes alone time and a calm living space.