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Lambeth Walk

Parkway Park, ON K2C 1G1

Private room with shared bathroom
1 bedroom
1 bathroom
2 roomies
$630 per month
Not included
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Females or males (no couples)
Available on
🚙 Parking available
🖥 Internet included
🏳️‍🌈 LGBT+ friendly
🌲 Cannabis friendly
🐱 Cat friendly
Students welcome

About the room

1 bedrooms available to rent in 3 bedroom home, 1 bathroom. Main tenant has a cat, she’s sweet and loving. Main tenant also spends 3-4 nights a week out of home so it’s all to yourself! Other tenant is very quiet male, very kind and easy to get a long with. Walking distance from college square! Wifi and all bills included. Available immediately.

About the roomies

First tenant is Irish female, living here for 7 years. I’m very relaxed and friendly. Looking for someone the same :) I do work from home a couple of days of the week when I’m there! Second tenant Canadian male, very friendly and easy to get a long with. Not a couple.

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