Free to message
$1,200 per month
Not included
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Females or males (no couples)
Available on
πŸš™ Parking available
πŸ–₯ Internet included
Students welcome
40+ years welcome
Candice will require background checks for this room
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About the room

Very comfortable home in a residential area, close to public transportation at your door. Everything is included in the rent from high speed internet, water, utilities, parking, laundry, Seneca College King Campus very close by. International student welcome. This can be short term if required. This furnished private room, is suitable for ONE person only. First and last month rent required. Non smoker please.

About the roomies

A mature single woman and little Yorkshire terrier pup. Non smoker. Very clean and quiet person, who is now retired.

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Rooms ON Aurora L4G 3V3 Golf Links Drive