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Free to message
$1,207 per month
About the room
This room is the only room with a private bathroom, the other roommates share one. It is furnished with a bed, closet, and desk. Everything (hydro, internet, water) is included in the rent listed above. We are currently looking for a roommate until August, but the lease is negotiable.
The kitchen and living/ dining room are shared space. Parking is available for one car outside the house. House is located in a quiet residential area. It is only 8 mins walk from BCIT, and 30 mins transit to SFU.
Please no smoking indoors, outside is fine. Friends are welcome to come hang out.
About the roomies
2 other girls and guys living at the house (4 total), all students. They are pretty friendly and respectful.
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(604) βββ-ββββ
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