Free to message
4 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
2 roomies
$900 per month
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Anyone welcome
Available on
Background checks will be required for this room
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About the room

The area is at the north end of Centre and fairly close to the airport. Deerfoot Mall, Superstore and Safeway are all close by.

This is a private, furnished room with a bathroom just outside your door. Large backyard. Huge kitchen with all of the amenities you could want. Private family room for your use.

About the roomies

I have two dogs that live here. One is a male that is almost 13 years old and the other is a six-year-old female. We cannot have any other pets this household as the female is a bit of a jerk.

I am very quiet and you don’t hear me most of the time.

My dogs are allowed on the furniture, but do not have any access to your living area.

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