Free to message
1 bedroom
1 bathroom
2 roomies
$1,000 per month
Not included
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Available on
Background checks will be required for this room
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About the room

3 rooms total, me and my roomate are looking for a third person to lease with. (We can add you to the lease instead of subletting) The unit features a full kitchen, deck, living room, and in unit laundry. You will have your own bathroom and will be basically the only one living in the main floor. Hydro and wifi not included but all other utilities are. Very new house, fully furnished and a 10 min walk to the grt station. Close to UWaterloo and Laurier. We are looking to move in on June and it would be a 1 year lease.

About the roomies

Me and my roomate are both pretty quiet so we wont bug you usually. We are both pretty clean and will clean up after ourselves. We are both girls so it would be nice to lease with another girl :)

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