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$605 per month
Not included
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Anyone welcome
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About the room
Room in a bronson apartment from December 1st or late November, its a great area! 5 to 10 minutes away from carelton walking, bus stop right outside, room includes desk and bed and shelf and mirror, very close to dows lake and super close to bank and restaurants and grocery stores, send a short description w hobbies etc so I can see if you’ll be a good fit for the roomies :) utilities come to about $50-60 per month (wifi and utilities), if your looking for a long term rental that’s bonus points lol
About the roomies
Super nice, love music, art, students and grad, cute cat and love the outdoors too
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(905) ∗∗∗-∗∗∗∗
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