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Cordelia's room

Mississauga, ON L5J 2Y2

Private room with shared bathroom
3 bedrooms
1 bathroom
2 roomies
$933 per month
Not included
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Available on
Stay length
9 - 12 months

About the room

Located right next to Clarkson Go station, metro, shoppers and various food options. Upper level of a semi, spacious, parking and the master bedroom available.

About the roomies

My roommate and I are both students at utm. We are very friendly and tend to go out together often. Our previous roommate just left so we are desperate to find someone who will match our energy with the littlest amount of trouble (we are so tired of drama 😭). We also have a beautiful little cat named Rocco who is a friendly and loves snuggles

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