Free to message
3 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
2 roomies
$800 per month
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Females or males (no couples)
Available on
Stay length
6 - 60 months
πŸš™ Parking available
πŸ–₯ Internet included
πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ LGBT+ friendly
🌲 Cannabis friendly
Students welcome
40+ years welcome
Background checks will be required for this room
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About the room

Bilevel house with a furnished bedroom, private living / study area, own bathroom, laundry facilities. Shared kitchen. Looking for a quiet & considerate roommate with regular sleeping hours. Home is the oasis!

About the roomies

You will be sharing with me the owner, myself. I have two dogs, one a Mexical street dog rescue, so I need a roommate who is a dog lover & comfortable around dogs.

Prefer studious students and those who work outside the home.

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