Free to message
1 bedroom
1 bathroom
3 roomies
$850 per month
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Anyone welcome
Available on
April 1
Stay length
Minimum 6 months

About the room

Hello, rental includes bedroom and own private attached full bathroom. The Newer home has 4 bedrooms, Large shared kitchen. Located in Ladner, 5mins to bus on Ladner Trunk rd. Close to Boundary Bay Airport. $850 for room. We do have an indoor/outdoor cat, he is very friendly but unfortunately he is not friendly with dogs or other cats, so we cant have more pets. Photos I can text, and or upload later, thank you.

About the roomies

Home will be shared with 3 people, 2 males 1 female. please message and then we can talk more and see if there is a common interest. Thank you

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