Free to message
1 bedroom
1 bathroom
1 roomie
$1,500 per month
Not included
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Available on
Stay length
1 - 3 months
πŸš™ Parking available
πŸ–₯ Internet included
🐢 Dog friendly
Children friendly
Background checks will be required for this room
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About the room

This is one room with an ensuite bathroom in a three bedroom home. Located near a library, rec centre, school running track and walking distance from Scott Road. Has good bus connectivity.

About the roomies

I am a responsible and tidy person, looking for roomates to share the home with. I am accomodating and adjusting and believe in open communication to keep things simple. Loking for like minded people who are focused on enjoying life and achieving something worthwhile with their efforts. I am a vegetarian and don’t drink or do smoke. I like to read and try new things for experiences.

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