Free to message
4 bedrooms
4 bathrooms
2 roomies
$1,095 per month
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Females or males (no couples)
Available on
Stay length
8 - 24 months

About the room

Large private fully furnished room with locking door, bathroom, window . High speed Internet, tv with Netflix, Crave, sports more. In large new modern house close to Skytrain, Douglas College,transit, parks and Laferge Lake, shopping and restaurants. Full access to full kitchen, laundry, open air deck. Just looking for the right person.

About the roomies

Responsible professional owner that own the house but have some extra rooms to share. Quiet, respectful and friendly . Professional and clean cut . No drugs, smoking, loud music etc. One other respectful and friendly international student in one room. Total residents limited to three people.

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Rooms BC City Centre V3E 0K6 Gabriola Drive