Free to message
3 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
1 roomie
$900 per month
Not included
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Females or males (no couples)
Available on
🚙 Parking available
🖥 Internet included
🏳️‍🌈 LGBT+ friendly
🌲 Cannabis friendly
Students welcome
Background checks will be required for this room
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About the room

Spacious, unfurnished master bedroom available to rent, with private toilet and sink. (Shower is shared in a communal bathroom.) You would be sharing the upper floor of a house with one other person (i.e., me), while two others live in a separated basement. The floor is three bedrooms, but I use one of the rooms as an office–hence why you’d get the master.


  • Rent: $880/month + $20/month for Internet
  • Utilities: 30% of the total for the house (varies seasonally, but ~$80-100/month on average); everything included, I’d estimate it’ll be ~$950 in the summer, ~$1000 in the winter
  • Space heating is gas, with everything else electric

The house itself has all basic amenities (laundry, dishwasher), and parking is available. It is situated along a bus route on Austin Ave and is within walking distance of several grocery stores. Mundy Park’s also just around the corner, so it’s easy to get out into nature to decompress. There’s also a deck with storage available, and a small plot for gardening if that’s something you’re interested in.

No pets allowed unfortunately, and no smoking in the house. The landlords have always been great to me, responsive to any issues I’ve had, so I want to respect their property in turn.

If you’re a student (or otherwise don’t have a car), it’s about 20 minutes by bus to Lougheed Station, 40 minutes to SFU, 30 minutes to Douglas College.

About the roomies

I’m Trevor, 34, born and raised in the Vancouver area. I work M-F as an engineer, and work from home once or twice a week. I try to be active when I’m not busy being inactive, getting out into nature or spending time with friends, and I try to live a basically healthy lifestyle. I’m not perfect by any means, but I try to keep a clean environment.

I’m admittedly pretty nerdy (I hear that’s cool now?), and I like reading, movies, the occasional video game or Canucks game, learning about mostly anything. I own a fair number of books, which you’d be welcome to borrow. I have moments that I need time to myself, but all in all, I’m generally pretty friendly and try to be considerate and respectful of the people around me.

For a roommate, all I’m really looking for are the basics of:

  • being financially reliable
  • reasonably quiet on worknights
  • keeping common areas basically clean and tidy
  • able to proactively communicate if any issues arise
  • ideally not robbing me

Of course it’d be nice to be friends with my roommate, but I don’t think that can really be forced. Ideally you’d be a similar age (mid-20s to early-40s, say), but I’m open for the right person.

Looking someone longer-term (with the right fit), but open to shorter-term if that falls through.

(As far as the people in the basement, I they tend to keep to themselves, but they’re friendly, and I have a good relationship with them that I’d like to continue.)

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