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2 bedrooms
1 bathroom
2 roomies
$900 per month
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Anyone welcome
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About the room

Available starting July. Currently looking for month to month shorter term roomies (flexible terms). Private executive home retreat in the heart of Richmond Hill along Bayview with a bus stop near by that goes to Finch Station, Shoppers, restaurants and banks nearby! Over 1000sqft of basement entertainment and living space with a private kitchen, luxury bathroom and 2 spacious rooms, fully renovated with bed frame and podlighting throughout! Price listed is for a single room, but the entire space is available for $1400 including both rooms, kitchen, bathroom and rec area. Individuals, couples or students/shared arrangements are all welcome!

About the roomies

Iโ€™m a young entrepreneur and musician/pianist who used to live in Thornhill and Downtown, but with COVID, decided to get my parentโ€™s property in the suburbs where I can practice and fit instruments/grand piano without disturbing neighbors. My parents live on another property and the house is a little too big for me alone, and Iโ€™m not there all the time, perfect for those who want a big space to themselves!

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