3498 Marine Way
Vancouver, BC
About the property
3498 Marine Way
700 sqft (630sqft - 650sqft living space, 50sqft - 70sqft balcony) AC /heat pump Double sink bathroom with tub Heated floor in bathroom.Comes with all major/small appliances; fridge, oven/stove, and microwave Instant hot water dispenser Double sink Washer/dryer.1 den1 parking spotSemi furnished with a couch and dinner table (can include well kept and clean mattress with bedtime with extra cost)Hydro and internet not included.Paystub required.Credit check, employment check and reference check. NO pets allowed! No smoking inside! Rental insurance is required, will need proof.Owner pays for water, Tenant is responsible for hydro and internet, 1 month deposit (includes damage deposit) and full month of rent before move in. No smoking allowed anywhere in the unit or common area. Please follow building policy, quiet time when required. Owners will do a monthly visit to ensure apartment is taken care of, no unannounced visits and will give 24h notice (once trust has been built there will be less visits).
Potential roomies
Roomies interested in teaming up in properties in this area.