Photo of Dee


31 years · Female · cat friendly


hi, I’m from korea, and I’m working at restaurant as a chef. I’m looking for a room for me, my girlfriend and our cat. it would be great to live with us, cuz we are very friendly, clean, and responsible people.

Roommate looking in: Bracebridge, Muskoka Lakes, ON.

Photo of Ovauna

Ovauna & Cole

27 & 31 years · Couple · Marketing Manager


Hey there! We are the owners of Tacos & Guac By The Lake. Located in Baysville, Ont. Myself and my boyfriend have been together for 7 years, and finally were able to open up our dream business. His family has lived year round in Dorset for 13 years. However, as a couple we would much appreciat...

Roommate looking in: Bracebridge, Muskoka Lakes, ON.

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