
22 years · Male · Hospitality


Hi, I am looking for a room for couple, ensuite bathroom preferable. I have hamsters, they are hand-sized smalls. And we want to have a parking! Thank you!

Roommate looking in: Toronto, ON & North York, ON.


45 years · Female · Insurance agent


Me and my husband are in our mid 40’s. We are insurance agents. We are very friendly and work most of the time of the day.

Roommate looking in: North York, ON.


30 years · Male · Shipper/Receiver


I'm very quite, not brothered by most things yes even large amount of sound doesn't brother me I guess to explain a bit more as long the sound does not go on for hours, no issue with pets, extremely easy to get along with aforementioned things above

Roommate looking in: North York, ON.


40 years · Female · Healthcare Worker


We are friendly and clean in everything. Can get along right away and loves to meet new home buddies

Roommate looking in: North York, ON.

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