Photo of Melanie


50 years · Female · Librarian Assistiant


I'm a clean, quiet, mature adult looking for an apartment or room in the west end of Hamilton, or surrounding rural areas. I currently have an apartment near Locke st, but am keeping an eye out for less expensive options with outdoor, sunny space. I'm down to earth and get along with just about anyo...

Roommate looking in: Burlington, Halton County, ON, Mount Hope, ON, Carlisle, ON, Millgrove, ON & Caledonia, Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk, ON.

Photo of Darius


17 years · Male · Labour worker


Hi My name is Darius, I’m 17. I’m very mature and responsible. Always on time for rent and i’m always willing to meet new people. I know it’s unusual for a 17 year old to bet living on there own but I can insure you that i’m more then capable of it! Thank you

Roommate looking in: Caledonia, Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk, ON.


38 years · Female · benefits-returning to work when I have a new house


Hi, I am neat and tidy, friendly- but quiet. Mostly keep to myself, but easy to get along with. Not into partying or having a tonne of company. Respectful of other peoples space and things- and hope for the same. Responsible and pay rent on time.

Roommate looking in: Delhi, Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk, ON, Port Dover, Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk, ON, Jarvis, Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk, ON, Waterford, Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk, ON & Simcoe, Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk, ON.

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