65 years · Male · Retired senior getting pension and self Employed
I want room for long-term. I am vegetarian.
Roommate looking in: Fairhaven, Etobicoke, ON.
65 years · Male · Retired senior getting pension and self Employed
I want room for long-term. I am vegetarian.
Roommate looking in: Fairhaven, Etobicoke, ON.
65 years · Male · Retired
I'm a retired upholstery worker I'm a friendly person I am a non smoking non drinking male. I don't mind other people who smoke and drink . Just looking for a clean and friendly place to call home 🏡
Roommate looking in: York, ON & Toronto, ON.
75 years · Female · Reitred
I'm a 75 year old quiet retired female who enjoys listening to music and watching TV. I'm independent and clean.
Roommate looking in: Oshawa, Regional Municipality of Durham, ON, York, ON & Toronto, ON.
Paulette Ropson
61 years · Female · ODSP
I'm a clean person, I'm quite and friendly. I'm dealing with medical issues, have surgeries coming up for both shoulders. I need less stairs has possible.
Roommate looking in: Keswick, Regional Municipality of York, ON & York, ON.
65 years · Male · TDSB employee CTL
i am very friendly and social oriented. can live with different people
Roommate looking in: North Park North York, Toronto, ON & North York, ON.
62 years · Male · Auto detailing
I’m a very quiet person who respects people who respect me. I’m a very clean person. I’m very honest and dedicated.
Roommate looking in: Downsview, North York, ON.
Linda Kyselka
54 years · Female · ODSP
I would make a great roommate because I'm a neat freak I'm organized I'm quiet I keep to myself and I have a wicked sense of humor. I also have a 10 year old calm loving,fixed male cat
Roommate looking in: Kitchener, Waterloo County, ON, Rexdale, Etobicoke, ON & Oshawa, Regional Municipality of Durham, ON.
54 years · Female · Student
Hola . Somos una pequeña familia . Eliza 54 años , mi hija Vanessa 38, y mis 2 nietos , Ángela 15 años y Juan 17 años
Roommate looking in: Runnymede York - Crosstown, Toronto, ON, Jane-Finch, North York, ON & Mississauga, Peel County, ON.
tim fletcher
58 years · Male · carpenter
older carpenter looking for a resonably priced apartment
Roommate looking in: Rexdale, Etobicoke, ON & Vaughan, Regional Municipality of York, ON.
50 years · Female · Accounting in Ukraine
я поважаю особистий простір інших людей.
Roommate looking in: Kipling Heights, Etobicoke, ON.
55 years · Female · Bilingual facilitator
I am stating a new job at the airport on the 17 of June. I do own a German. Sheppard, she is very friendly and calm, i will be on training for the next 2 weeks and have to leave home from 7 am I really need a room
Roommate looking in: Islington, Etobicoke, ON & Scarborough, ON.
55 years · Male · Odsp
It's for myself I need a reasonable rented spot quiet away from city if possible
Roommate looking in: West Bend West End, Toronto, ON.
73 years · Female · Housewife
I am 73 years old lady and room for rent in sharing accommodation. Thanks
Roommate looking in: Islington, Etobicoke, ON & Etobicoke, ON.
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