
Housemates & Flatmates in Wellington, Prince Edward County, ON

Photo of Alex


25 years · Male · security


I am a single male, 25 years of age, I work full-time as a security guard making over 60K a year. I am friendly, humble, kind, and very organized. I used to be a fulltime chef, so I cook all of my meals, as well as cleaning the dishes. I am always working or out and about so I should only b...

Roommate looking in: Guelph, Wellington County, ON, Cambridge, Waterloo County, ON, Wellington, Prince Edward County, ON & Brampton, Peel County, ON.


48 years · Female · Host Family Coordinator


Hi there, my name is Ruth, I work in Guelph/Wellington and Kitchener/Waterloo, as a host family services coordinator. Part of my job is to help people with a developmental disability find supportive living arrangements in their communities. Finding a good roommate match is very important and somethi...

Roommate looking in: Fergus, Wellington County, ON, Elora, Wellington County, ON, Wellington, Prince Edward County, ON & Kitchener, Waterloo County, ON.

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