
43 years · Female · Private Instructor (University & College Level Math & Science)


I am looking for a room (in the basement with own entrance preferably) to rent in the Pioneer Park or Country Hills area for myself only. I am new to the KW area. I am a friendly, tidy, and extremely well-organized individual. I very much appreciate my space and alone time. Aside from my love of sci...

Roommate looking in: Country Hills, Kitchener, Waterloo County, ON & Pioneer Park, Kitchener, Waterloo County, ON.


34 years · Female · Accounting Professional


Am career oriented 34 year old female moving to Canada for the first time - super excited. Will be working from home 3 days a week so hopefully that's not an issue with my future roomie. I don't drink or smoke, like to keep my place clean, often enjoy cooking. Looking forward to move in with ya.

Roommate looking in: King East, Kitchener, Waterloo County, ON, Cityplace Downtown, Toronto, ON & St. Lawrence Downtown, Toronto, ON.

Photo of Nicole


26 years · Female · Research Tech


Looking for a place to land through the week after working in Guelph. I farm on the weekends so I need somewhere in between Guelph and the farm. I’m a research technician at the university of Guelph. Love plants, pets, and crafts!

Roommate looking in: Kitchener, Waterloo County, ON, Grand River South, Kitchener, Waterloo County, ON, Salem, Elora, Wellington County, ON, Baden, Waterloo County, ON & New Hamburg, Waterloo County, ON.

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