50 years + housemates in Vales of Castlemore, Brampton, ON


72 years · Male · retired from ontaio Hospital Penetang


I am very personable and get along with anyone 72 y senior I worked at the mental health centre for 25yrs...single I would like to to bring my very old 12 lb dog very friendly 15yrs old

Roommate looking in: Central Park, Brampton, Peel County, ON.

Photo of cory miller

cory miller

60 years · Male · carpenter, concrete former/worker


Like I said I,m a mature QUIET CLEAN person who is more than willing to help around a home! I have been in this place now for over 4 years! Being RENOVICTED! Credit is good, Pay my bills 100% of the time, Have very few guests, my sister a few times a year, I perfer to live with only 1 other person...

Roommate looking in: Erin, Wellington County, ON, Caledon, Peel County, ON, Amaranth, Dufferin County, ON, Grand Valley, Dufferin County, ON & Dundalk, Grey Highlands, ON.

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