
Housemates & Flatmates in Vainer North Eastview, Ottawa, ON

Photo of Kateryna Moskaliuk

Kateryna Moskaliuk

28 years · Female · Interpreter


Hi, I am a quiet and respectful person. I’m working as a community interpreter and bartender and my hobbies include yoga, wellness, and exploring new places in nature. I also enjoy reading, cooking healthy meals, and working out. I believe in maintaining a clean and serene living space and value op...

Roommate looking in: Gloucester, ON, Vanier, ON & Ottawa, ON.

Photo of Candice Brown

Candice Brown

41 years · Female · Research Assistant, personal trainer


I enjoy lighthearted tv shows and RomComs, dancing randomly in the kitchen, and playing with my velcro dog. Looking for a roommate who is a vet tech, dog trainer, or one who at least knows dog body language and is comfortable with a 75 lb Female German Shepherd, working line. She is fear reactive...

Roommate looking in: Alta Vista, Ottawa, ON, Vanier, ON & Gloucester, ON.

Photo of Ahmed Omar

Ahmed Omar

32 years · Male · Student


I am a clean—quiet—easy-going roomie. I will be a full-time student and work as well. also, looking for a shared roommate (private room) for myself. I have been in Ottawa for a while but I enjoy going out to new places and often spending time outside and staying active with open-minded people. Look...

Roommate looking in: Vanier, ON.

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