Student housemates in Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, ON


23 years · Male · Student


Hello! I'm Karthik Sharan, 23 years old. I'm planning to move to Thunder Bay in August. As an organized and responsible individual, you can count on me to keep our living space clean and organized, while also being relaxed and enjoyable to be around.

Roommate looking in: Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, ON.


19 years · Female · Student


Hi! I am a second year nursing student, super friendly and super willing to help out! As a student, I’m working two part time jobs to put myself through school. Bad family situation so I’m looking to move into my first place!

Roommate looking in: Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, ON.


21 years · Male · Student


Will be a graduate student at LU from September, 2024. Expect to find a roommate who are silent, peaceful, easygoing and has a normal work and rest time because I am this type of person and that we can have a peaceful living experience.

Roommate looking in: Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, ON.

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