Marcy & Jenna

20 & 22 years · Females · Diagnostic medical ultrasound student


Hi there! My friend and I are both female Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound Students who are completing our clinical practicum at the hospital in Cape Breton! We are both friendly, mature, responsible, quiet students who do not drink, smoke, or party!

Roommate looking in: Sydney, Cape Breton County, NS.

Photo of Ryan


21 years · Other · Ski patrol


I am a kind and caring person who will accommodate whatever environment I live in. I love talking to people and solving problems. I am extremely open to all types of people and just need a place to stay while I work at the ski hill. I love my cat and he will love whoever I live with. He doesn’t bi...

Roommate looking in: East Bay, Cape Breton County, NS & Sydney, Cape Breton County, NS.

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