
Advanced search for housemates in Stittsville-Kanata West, Barrhaven, ON

Photo of Kelvin


35 years · Male · Retail


I am an easy going person, who like art and cooking. I am friendly but also very respectful of boundaries. I am into poetry and literature. Taking walks around the neighborhood and exploring new cultures and languages are my pleasures.

Roommate looking in: Carp, ON & Stittsville, ON.

Photo of Logan

Logan & Logan

42 years · Males · Transport driver


Im a Christian who attends community church every Sunday no exceptions and spends most of my free time at godlike fitness

Roommate looking in: Stittsville, ON.

Photo of Addison


19 years · Male · Student/employed


I’m 19 years old quite student attending Algonquin college and work part time and full time when I can. I come from a big family and have not had much luck lately with renting. Looking for a safe and friendly environment.

Roommate looking in: Stittsville, ON & Kanata, ON.


21 years · Male · Student/working


I am a more reserved individual who loves music and audio equipment. When I am not working, I am watching shows, playing video games, listening to music or playing my keyboard.

Roommate looking in: Stittsville, ON & Kanata, ON.

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